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Macbook Water Damage Repair

Home / Macbook Water Damage Repair

Choose Macguys Water Damage Repair Services in London, UK

All it takes is one slip of the hand and suddenly you’ve lost your precious device by some accidental water spillage. Now, not only do you have the fear of losing a device worth hundreds of dollars but also run the risk of spending more than that to buy a new one. If all this sounds too relatable, why not call Macguys for our professional MacBook water damage repair services in London, UK.

Macguys’s professional technicians specialise in repairing water damage that has taken hold in your laptop and has rendered your device unworkable. Whether it’s a MacBook Pro or Air, Macguys will provide you with an expertly repaired and improved device that you’ll be completely satisfied with.

Our experts are trained to handle diverse Apple devices and are skilled in managing even the toughest repairs in just a short time. So grab your waterlogged MacBook and drop by Macguys during our business hours to have our technicians take a look at it to get it completely fixed.

Types Of Repairs We Offer

1. Assessing Damage

When we first receive your device, our technicians get straight to cleaning and drying your laptop’s exterior to prevent any more water from going in since even though it might look dry to you, there might be some moisture hiding under the nooks and crannies in your device. After drying the exterior they check the extent of the damage on the outside and inside and move forward with the repairs.

2. Repairing and Replacing Damaged Parts

Afterward, our technicians then move on to check and remove any parts that are malfunctioning. For instance, the water damage might have reached the device’s charging port. The parts are removed and replaced with new ones that are compatible with your device. After checking that they are fitted in properly, our technicians then move forward with reassembling your laptop carefully.

3. Testing and QA

After reassembling your laptop properly, our technicians then perform a thorough check to see if everything is working properly. After ensuring that your laptop is working optimally, our staff will give you a call to come collect your device. You will also be given a three-month warranty with our MacBook water damage repair service to ensure your 100% satisfaction.

Head on over to Macguys to get your device fixed with our expert MacBook water damage repair services in London, UK. Give us a call now to get started with our services.

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